Music and Arts and Wellbeing can assist children in their everyday lives at school and home. At the start of each of our music lesson a 3-5 minuets will be spent on learning different ways to assist with performance anxiety and wellbeing when performing and playing. Music, Singing, Dance, Art, Drama, Yoga, Tapping, Breathing and Mindfulness are tools used to:

  • regulate and understand emotions

  • develop neural pathways

  • grow creativity

  • develop discipline

  • grow self-confidence

  • encourage positivity

  • help with communication skills

  • understanding of self and others

  • grow resilience and compassion towards self and others

  • and bring about a sense of empowerment.

All our students perform in a concert in Term 2 and Term 4 to showcase their exceptional progress and newfound skills.

Keep reading to learn about what we offer at your child’s school!


Choose Music Lessons

Singing & Dance

Singing & Dance encourages students to use their voices and bodies as a way of expressing their musicality and individuality.

Through modern songs and classics, we teach breathing and sounding techniques that are the foundation of healthy voice production.

Group of students | 30 mins | $22 per lesson


Guitar students are taught a wide range of guitar styles like pop, rock, funk and jazz.

Students also learn some classic riffs, power chords and soloing scales, along with music theory and history. Each student will learn on their own guitar for the entire lesson.

Group of students | 30 mins | $22 per lesson


Drum students are taught a wide range of drumming styles like pop, rock, funk and jazz.

Students also learn rhythmic sticking exercises, Indigenous rhythm, music theory and music history. Each student will learn on their own electric drum kit for the entire lesson.

Group of students | 30 mins | $22 per lesson


Piano students are taught a wide range of styles like pop, rock, funk and jazz.

Students will learn to play chords and pop songs, along with music theory and history. Each student will learn on their own keyboard for the entire lesson.

Group of students | 30 mins | $22 per lesson


Wellbeing Group

Our Wellbeing Group incorporates a diverse and flexible range of activities, including Music, Singing, Dance, Art, Drama, Yoga, IEFT Tapping and Mindfulness Meditation to encourage and grow wellbeing for children.

These modalities can assist children in their lives and especially in a school environment, as they assist to regulate and understand emotions, develop neural pathways, grow self-confidence, compassion, resilience, and discipline. Students foster techniques to communicate, understand themselves and others, and bring about a sense of empowerment and self-expression.

Large Group | 30 minutes | $17.60 per lesson


Singing & Dance Group

Our Singing & Dance Group is a large group class which encourages students to use their voices and bodies as a way of expressing their musicality and individuality. Through modern songs and classics, our classes teach breathing and sounding techniques that are the foundation of healthy voice production. Students are encouraged to find music that is vocally challenging and explore different styles of movement and dance.

The Singing & Dancing Group is a fantastic way to gain confidence, build interpersonal skills, perform and have fun!

Large Group | 30 minutes | $17.60 per lesson

Music Band

Our Music Band offers students a chance to take their instrumental music skills to the next level by rehearsing and performing in a band. Playing music in a band not only improves musicality and rhythm, but it also fosters the ability to collaborate with others, give and receive constructive feedback, and builds crucial social skills as they work towards a common goal.

Our bands play a variety of music including pop, rock, funk, from classic to contemporary! Band rehearsals are held either at lunchtime or after school, and a concert is held twice yearly.

Large Group | 40 minutes | $17.60 per lesson

Online Lessons

If you are seeking personalised, private tuition from the comfort of your own home, we also offer one-on-one after school music lessons for Drums, Guitar, Piano/Keys, Singing & Dance and Wellbeing, hosted via Zoom Conferencing after school hours.

Private lessons are a fantastic opportunity to receive quality musical guidance tailored to your child's skill level and musical interests.

"Jeremy loves his online drumming lessons with Jam Hot Music! They are fun, and his teacher adapts the lesson to his personal music interests which has helped keep him super engaged and motivated to play. Ollie is sensational, thank you so much!" - Natalie, Parent

Private lesson | 30 minutes | $38.50 per lesson | After school




Included in your lessons fees are:

  • Weekly lessons with all instruments & sheet music provided

  • Guaranteed make-up or video lesson if your child misses a lesson due to teacher absence

  • A free concert for all students & parents at the end of Term 2 and Term 4

  • Specialised Online 2DreamMusic workbooks for all instruments

  • Online Parent Portal access for lesson schedules, updates & downloadable music resources

  • Video Lessons for absences

All lessons are held at school and during school hours, and we carefully timetable lessons around the school’s specialist curriculum, excursions, and camps. This is with the exception of Online Zoom Lessons, which are held after school.



We offer an individualized program for each of our schools. Find out which programs we have on offer at your child’s school here!

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions or requests.


Christmas Hills Primary School

- Drums
- Singing & Dance
- Guitar
- Piano/Keys
- Wellbeing Group
- Online Lessons (After school only)

Diamond Creek East Primary School

- Drums
- Guitar
- Piano
- Singing Dance & Wellbeing Large Group
- Music Band
- Online Lessons (After school only)

Eildon Primary School

- Drums
- Singing & Dance
- Guitar
- Piano/Keys
- Online Lessons (After school only)


Holy Trinity Primary School

- Drums
- Singing & Dance
- Guitar
- Piano/Keys
- Wellbeing Group
- Online Lessons (After school only)

Kangaroo Ground Primary School

- Drums
- Online Lessons (After school only)

Laurimar Primary School

- Drums
- Guitar
- Piano/Keys
- Singing & Dance Large Group
- Music Band
- Online Lessons (After school only)


Lower Plenty Primary School

- Drums
- Guitar
- Piano/Keys
- Singing & Dance Large Group
- Online Lessons (After school only)

Macclesfield Primary School

- Drums
- Guitar
- Piano/Keys
- Singing & Dance
- Online Lessons (After school only)

Our Lady Help of Christians Primary

- Drums
- Guitar
- Piano/Keys
- Singing & Dance Large Group
- Online Lessons (After school only)


Montmorency Primary School

- Drums
- Guitar
- Singing & Dance Large Group
- Online Lessons (After school only)

Sacred Heart PS Diamond Creek

- Drums
- Singing & Large Dance
- Guitar
- Piano/Keys
- Online Lessons (After school only)

Sacred Heart PS Yea

- Drums
- Singing & Dance
- Guitar
- Piano/Keys
- Online Lessons (After school only)


St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School

- Drums
- Singing & Dance
- Guitar
- Piano/Keys
- Wellbeing Group
- Online Lessons (After school only)

St Paul the Apostle Catholic PS

- Drums
- Singing & Dance
- Guitar
- Piano/Keys
- Wellbeing Group
- Online Lessons (After school only)

Streeton Primary School

- Drums
- Singing & Dance
- Guitar
- Piano/Keys
- Online Lessons (After school only)