Our Programs



• We offer a flexible program of weekly music, performance, and music-based wellbeing lessons, tailored to your school's needs.

• Our available lessons types include: Drums, Guitar, Keyboard, Singing and Dance, Singing & Dance Group, Music Band and Wellbeing Group .

• Students are taught a wide range of music styles such as pop, rock, funk and jazz, with accompanying music theory and history.

Staff Professional Development Workshops

In these sessions, our directors Jason and Michelle use music as the language for self discovery, refelection expression and wellbeing and provide techniques which can be translated to the classroom as well as self.


Hosted and organised by 2 Dream Music & Wellbeing every year, the Annual School Concert is an opportunity for all of our students to participate and showcase their exceptional progress and newfound skills!


To learn more about the individual programs in our specialised curriculum, click below!




Students are able to connect with their peers, enhance their performance skills, gain confidence, and learn to express their individual creativity.

Our flexible range of activities includes Music, Singing, Dance, Art, Drama, Yoga, IEFT Tapping and Mindfulness Meditation. These modalities can assist children to regulate and understand emotions, and build empowerment through healthy self-expression and communication techniques.


Our directors, Jason Stonehouse and Michelle de Almeida, have toured for over 20 years with artists such as Ian Moss, Dale Ryder, Kate Ceberano, and the Voice Artists.

Our 2DMW staff's performance knowledge and industry experience greatly nourishes the students’ own performance abilities and confidence.


Learning to play an instrument, sing and dance, or perform in a band helps students develop left and right brain coordination, physical coordination, melody training and comprehension skills.


Our lessons are held during school hours and/or after school, and will be timetabled with respect to all requests from your school.

We always carefully timetable lessons around the school’s specialist curriculum, excursions, incursions and camps in order to minimise disruption to precious class learning time.



All of our students will receive access to the following specialised learning resources, developed by our directors especially for the 2DMW learning curriculum:

1. Specialised 2DMAW Curriculum Workbooks for each instrument are used during lessons and made available for students to download at home for their personal practice.

2. Our Online Parent Portal allows parents to keep up to date with their children’s lesson schedules, invoices & access downloadable music resources.

3. An Exclusive Video Lesson Series filmed and written by our director Jason Stonehouse is offered.


Staff & Administrative Support

All 2 Dream Music & Wellbeing programs are at no cost to the school! We have exceptional teaching staff, provide musical equipment, and handle all administration.

We pride ourselves in having exceptional teaching staff, who are experienced in both teaching and as professional musicians. Teachers are provided with ongoing training and support to ensure high-quality music programs for students.

2 Dream Music & Wellbeing employs experienced professional administrative, business, and accounts managers to handle all administration and support the running of our programs.


CovidSafe Plan

Maintaining a healthy and safe learning environment is our number one priority. To read our approved CovidSafe Plan, click here: